
This article is for corporate Disclosers and provides guidance on how to navigate the new integrated corporate questionnaire on the CDP Portal. Guidance on the key changes for this year’s questionnaire can be found here and here 


The questionnaire includes questions that will be shown to all Disclosers and additional questions will be shown depending on the environmental issues the discloser is reporting on, the sector they operate in, and the size of their organization (i.e. SME). 

Once users have registered an account, have accessed the Portal and set up their questionnaire, they can begin responding.  

Please note, you may need to resubmit the questionnaire set up step for several reasons. For example, if you have been requested by additional Requesters following your questionnaire set up submission. Please note, resubmitting your questionnaire set up for whatever reason will not lead to data loss in your questionnaire response input so far.

Guidance on the key changes for this year’s questionnaire can be found here and here. All guidance materials to support your disclosure can be found here and also summarized here.  

Once you have gone through all the onboarding steps as a Contributor or Submission Lead and have submitted your questionnaire set up, you can begin responding to the questionnaire that is generated for your organization. You will see all the question sections laid out in several tiles on your Portal homepage.  


The questionnaire consists of different sections, with each section containing multiple questions. Disclosers can move from one section to another from the questionnaire overview page as well as from within the questionnaire. 

 A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 


From the questionnaire overview, Disclosers can click into a desired section and will be taken to top of the section through which they can scroll through all questions in that section 

 To select a question: 

  • Click Start on a relevant section tile or 

  • Click the section once questions within that section have been answered

Once within the questionnaire, to move to another section, click the section from the section dropdown or the section navigation panel above. 



To navigate back to the Questionnaire overview page, Click the Back to overview button. 


Once a Discloser has started a section the Start button disappears and there is a progress bar with a numerical value (%) indicating the percentage of questions that have been answered in that section. 

If you have disclosed to CDP before, information may have been carried over from your previous responses automatically.

To edit certain fields in the questionnaire, please follow the following guidance.  

To fill out fields: 

  • Go to the field 

  • Double click on it to fill out the date/number/text 

  • Click on the next field to save 


Please see this video for further guidance 


To edit fields: 

  • Double click on the field 

  • Single click to select 

  • Double click to select word/date 

  • Triple click to select all text 

  • Edit date/number.  For large amounts of text, it might be easier to copy and paste from notepad/word. 

  • Click on the next field to save (Not enter) 


Please see this video for further guidance 


To clear fields: 

  • Double click on the field 

  • Double/triple click on the text and edit by removing the text (delete or backspace) 

  • Click on the next field to save 


To de deselect a dropdown: 

  • Click the field where you have already selected an option 

  • Click that same option again 

  • Save 


Please see this video for further guidance  

By default, auto-save is enabled in the Portal, so Disclosers can add their responses, leave the questionnaire and return to complete their responses later. If connectivity is poor, Disclosers will see a notification when they lose internet connection. When completing the questionnaire in offline mode, Disclosers will be able to continue their work in this section and all the changes will be saved.  


Disclosers can leave the questionnaire by clicking the Back to overview button in the top left corner of the page. Note that offline mode only works for the current section of the page Disclosers are on. If you navigate to different sections of the questionnaire, answers would be lost.  




Alternatively, Disclosers can choose to leave any section of the questionnaire by clicking on the Questionnaire tab in the navigation section on the left. This will take them to the questionnaire overview page. 


In the Questionnaire progress view, there are five statuses which are: 


  • Unanswered – questions that are currently visible to the Discloser (i.e., not including questions hidden because of conditional logic) with no responses given 

  • Skipped – questions are unanswered; Discloser has marked them as skipped 

  • In progress – question responses are partially completed 

  • Answered – question responses are fully completed 

  • Reviewed – questions are answered; Discloser has marked them as reviewed  


Reporting guidance and scoring criteria are embedded into the questionnaire. You can find it when working on individual questions by clicking on the book icon in the top right corner. 



Tags are also included for each question in the bottom left corner to indicate if the question is aligned to a framework or standard, which of CDP’s covered environmental issues it relates to, and the questionnaire sectors that the questions belong to


Help text is included in some questions to provide further information on the data that can be entered into that column. You can find it by hovering over column headers. 


All guidance materials to support your disclosure can be found here and also summarized here.  


You may also find the following articles helpful: 


If you have not found the answer you were looking for, please contact our support team through My Support. You will need to besigned into access this.    

If you are a new user, you can register
here. Once you are signed in, please return to the Help Center via the link at the top of the page.   


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