This article is for Disclosers and Requesters and provides details on the timeline for disclosing through CDP for all responding entities including companies, cities, states and regions, public authorities and private markets.


There are a number of key dates to be aware of in CDP’s annual disclosure cycle, outlined below. The most important of these are the CDP Portal opening date and the scoring deadline. This year, the timeline for Portal opening, scoring deadline and Portal closure will be the same for all disclosers.

Please note, Disclosers who are eligible for scoring, but do not submit their questionnaire response before the scoring deadline will miss out on the chance to receive a score.
The questionnaire for each year is made available to view in advance via our guidance pages. We recommend Disclosers familiarize themselves with the questionnaire and start preparing their responses prior to the Portal opening.  Find your relevant questionnaire and guidance material at the following links for companies, cities, or states and regionsKey changes for disclosure in 2024 are further outlined on our page here
Key dates for 2024:
  • April 16: CDP Portal opens for Requesters
  • W/C May 13: Requesters can submit lists
  • May 14: CDP Portal opens for Disclosers
  • June 4: 2024 reporting window opens
  • September 18: Scoring deadline for Disclosers
  • October 2: 2024 reporting window closes

Please note, you can still submit your response between the scoring deadline and the end of the reporting window in October.
If you submit a response in this time frame, your response data will be included in our data analytics and will be shared with your customers, but your response will not be scored.

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