
This article is for new and returning Requesters. It contains guidance on how to use the CSV file upload function in order to upload your request list – either from a previous list or from creating a new.

We recommend you view the related articles here and here before you proceed with updating your using a CSV file.


About the CSV file template

The CSV file upload can be considered as a third option to create your request list and a way to bulk upload your request list to the Portal. We recommend you have a list already created with the organization names, contacts and DUNS details populated in the sheet before using the CSV file upload. 

Important: Please note that uploading a list via CSV will overwrite any list previously created in the Portal.
The csv upload template has the following fields:
  • RequestedOrgName*
  • DUNS number*
  • Reference Number (An internal reference selected by the Requester)
  • Contact email address (Requester must confirm agreement to share contact details)
  • Forest issue (Yes/No) – only applicable if included in your agreement with CDP
  • Water issue (Yes/No) – only applicable if included in your agreement with CDP

*RequestedOrgName and DUNS number are mandatory fields. If there is no match between the DUNS and the requested organization name, the system will update the name to the one associated with the DUNS number.

Download your CSV file template

To download the csv file template, sign in to your Requester portal.

For new Requesters using CSV as the primary method to create a list, click “Create a list for this cycle” From the options in the middle of this page, select Upload a file.  

For returning Requesters, navigate to your Request list and then click on the Download button (down arrow next to Submit list).

For new Requesters, click Download template as a CSV file to download a blank template that includes all the columns needed for the upload to be successful. For returning Requesters, click on Download existing list to edit.


Once you have downloaded your file, you can begin editing it by adding new organizations, updating information such as DUNS numbers and adding contacts. For more guidance on how to edit your requested organization details through the request list and contact permissions, please see our article here.

Through the CSV file, you can add in more information to support tracking your disclosers and engaging with them.

Create and upload your Request list using a CSV file

Once you have downloaded and edited your CSV file and are ready to upload it, navigate to you Request list page again. Click on Upload file.

Drag and drop your CSV file or click Upload to manually select it.

If the upload is successful, your updated Request list will appear with the option to submit list.

Tip:  Requesters should click View log and download the error file to check for any warnings, as we don’t currently display warning messages in the Request list for incorrect data. 
If the upload fails, an error message will appear. We recommend downloading the error file to correct the errors before you upload the file again.


Tips for editing CSV file

1. The template file downloaded is a CSV file. Most computers open these in Excel which shows the data separated into columns. Always use the CDP downloaded .csv template, NOT your own template.

2. Do not add columns to .csv

3. If you open the .csv in excel or other application, always save back as .csv file, NOT .xls or xlsl format. 

4. The upload of the .csv file will only work if the format is as per the CDP .csv and the file saved as .csv.

5. When opening the file, you will receive a prompt regarding Excel data conversions. Please select Don't Convert to ensure that the file retains the leading zeros in DUNS number. 

View the upload log

Upload logs provide a history of organizations added to the Request list. The log contains the following details:
  • Date: Date of upload
  • Organizations: Number of organizations uploaded. Please note that this will be 0 if the upload failed.
  • Summary status: Successful, Failed, or Invalid file format

To view upload logs,
  • Click Upload logs
  • Click Show log for more details
  • Download error file/log to check for errors and/or warnings


Proceed to resolve the errors listed in the error log. If you are unable to resolve these directly, please contact us via My Support. Please aim to raise on case per error, listing all organizations with error.

Upload troubleshooting

When you upload a file, you may encounter some warnings on the page.

  1. File not appearing on the page. There are 2 reasons for failed uploads:
  • Blank DUNS numbers. If there are blank DUNS numbers in the list, the upload will fail. Please contact the Help Center to support you if you need help.
  • Incorrect file format. The file upload is not in CSV file format. Make sure your file is in the correct format.

If you see a warning after uploading a list, this means that the file was uploaded successfully, but has issues with 1) Blank issues and/or 2) Email contacts.

  1. Blank issues: if the issue column (Water or Forests requests) contains blank cells without a Y (Yes) or N (No) present, then the Portal will assume it contains N (No).
  2. Email Contacts: if an email address is not in the correct format, you will see a warning to update this.

For more guidance on how to resolve DUNS issues, please see our article here. If you are not able to resolve any errors or issues using the guidance in this or other articles, please contact us via My Support in the Help Center.

You may also find the following articles helpful:

  If you have not found an answer you were looking for, please contact our support team through My Support. You will need to be signed in to access this. 
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