
This article is for all Disclosers and outlines the steps needed to submit your organization’s final response.  



Once you have set up and completed your questionnaire response and either paid your admin fee or requested an invoice (if applicable), the final step is to submit your response. The submission will be combined for all your Requesters. This means that you are not able to submit to one Requester, but not another - you will only be able to submit to all or none of your requests.  


Please note, if you have been requested to respond to Capital Markets request and do not disclose, you may be eligible for an ‘F score’ which will be shared publicly and will be visible on our website.  


The deadline to submit your response to be eligible for scoring for companies, cities, states and regions is 2nd October at 23:59 International Dateline West (IDW). However, companies and public authorities can still submit their response until the new platform closure date on 16th October and amend a submitted response until 2nd  December. You will only be scored on what you submitted before the scoring deadline not later amendments.


In 2024, responses submitted in English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish will be eligible for scoring provided all other scoring criteria are met. 


Please see our article outlining this year's timeline for Disclosure here.

Submission Lead & Admin feepre-requisite steps 


In order to proceed with your response submission, your organization will need to have a current Submission Lead and to have paid the admin fee (if applicable). If your organization is required to pay the disclosure admin fee, the Submission Lead will need to select the fee and payment type before being able to submit the questionnaire.  


Note: You will not be able to submit a response if the admin fee step has not been completed or if you have not raised an invoice. 


For guidance on how to pay the admin fee please see our article on how to process the disclosure admin fee. 


How to submit your response (Submission Lead only) 


Sign in and Navigate to questionnaire 


Follow the steps below in order to submit your questionnaire response. Please note, only the Submission Lead can submit the organization’s final response.  


Sign in to your account on the CDP Portal and go to the questionnaire section. Navigate to and click the Submit questionnaire button at the top of the questionnaire. 




Review your questionnaire response 

Review your questionnaire response by viewing the percentage completion and the status of each question. 

We recommend reviewing your questionnaire responses against the Version control table to see all updates to questions in the corporate questionnaire since the 4th of June and ensure you answered all questions accurately

Please note: the questionnaire does not need to be 100% complete for it to be submitted.


 To review the section breakdown: Review Sections breakdown and click Continue. You may then see the following:


Incomplete questionnaire - Your questionnaire is not completed

If your questionnaire is not completed, this step will show the active sessions and their respective percentage of unanswered questions.  

If you have finished the questionnaire, this step will list all the sections similarly and indicate the percentage of questions answered. To submit, click on Submit anyway.  


Confirm Skipped Questions 

Once you have reviewed the section breakdown, you will need to confirm whether all mandatory questions have been answered.


Mandatory questions for the full corporate questionnaire are:  

  • 1.1 In which language are you submitting your response? 

  • 1.4 State the end date of the year for which you are reporting data. For emissions data, indicate whether you will be providing emissions data for past reporting years. 

  • 1.10 (FS-Only) Which activities does your organization undertake, and which industry sectors does your organization lend to, invest in, and/or insure? 


If all mandatory questions have not been filled, you will not be able to proceed to the next step: 


To confirm skipped questions: 

  • Review the status and non-mandatory questions that are missing responses > Click Submit anyway to proceed or 
  • Review status and mandatory questions that are missing responses > Click Cancel and fill out mandatory questions before submission 

Review Requests


Once the review of the questionnaire process is complete, continue with the review of your requests. Please note, the submission will be combined for all your Requesters. This means that you are not able to submit to one Requester, but not another - you will only be able to submit to all or none of your requests.  

Please click Continue to proceed with submitting the questionnaire.  

Review submission type: Response privacy

The next step in submitting the questionnaire is to choose the response publicity for the answers provided. You will also be presented with links to our terms of disclosure and information regarding scoring . You can select for your response to be either Public or Non-Public as displayed in the image below: 


Please note that States and Regions are not eligible to submit non-publicly and will not see this as option. 

Submit your response

After choosing the appropriate option for your submission type, the final step is to submit your response. Click Continue to proceed to the final stage of the submission. Once you have submitted your response, you will see a confirmation screen as below.

You must submit your response by 2nd October 23:59 International Dateline West (IDW) in order to be eligible for scoring. The latest date to submit your response is 16th October (companies and public authorities) or 2nd December (cities, states and regions).  


Editing your response after Submission

Once you have submitted your questionnaire, you can continue to make edits to your response until 2 December. 

You can edit your response by clicking on the Edit Submission button. This will re-open the questionnaire response and allow you to make edits to your answers. We encourage users to re-submit their response as soon as they have completed their edits.

For more guidance on editing your response, please see our article here




Important: please note, if you return to edit your questionnaire response, you must re-submit your response by 2 October scoring deadline in order to be scored on the edited response. If you do not resubmit your edited response by the scoring deadline, you will be scored on your original response.  

 Additional requests following submission

Once you have submitted your response you may choose to reopen your questionnaire response following any late requests. You may choose to:  

  • Reopen for amendments: you can reopen your questionnaire for amendments, resubmit the questionnaire set up to update the environmental theme(s) or Requester changes to questionnaire. You can then respond to the additional theme(s) questions, or Supply Chain specific questions from your new Requester(s).  
  • Not reopen for amendments: you can accept the late request(s) without reopening your response. This means your latest submission will be shared with the additional Requester(s). 

For guidance on how to manage late requests, please see our article here 

Answers to questions you have answered will be prepopulated, and you do not have to make any changes. Making changes to your questionnaire setup may impact the questions you see in your response, but your previous responses will not be lost. 


A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 

If you have not found the answer you were looking for, please contact our support team through My Support. You will need to be signed in to access this.   You will need to besigned in to access this.  

If you are a new user, you can registerhere. Once you are signed in, please return to the Help Center via the link at the top of the page.   

You may also find the following articles helpful: 


Comments (3)
  • c97zd54@574jhzg3.or
  • g851az5@9m80jehu.or
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