
This article is for Disclosers and Requesters and covers the user types on the new CDP Portal, how these user types are set and how they can be changed.  

If you are new to the CDP Portal, see our article for steps to follow for new user access.  


CDP Portal user types

There are four user types in CDP’s new Portal, two for Disclosers and two for Requesters, each with different permissions. For disclosers, the default role assigned is that of a Discloser Contributor.

Note: There is no limit to the number of users that can be added to your organization. User types are set for the current year only.

You can check the different types of users for your organization in the Portal by clicking on Invite team members
in the navigation bar on the left, pictured below.


Once you click on Invite team members, the list of users for your organization will be visible. If this is the first time that you're accessing the new CDP Portal, you will see a popup with instructions on how to add your colleagues to the Portal.

Discloser user types

Discloser users refers to all users that will be added to an organization to disclose and it is the default role given to disclosers. There is no limit to the number of Discloser Contributor users that can be added.  

Only one user can choose to become the Submission Lead for the disclosure cycle. This option will be available to disclosers from June 4th.

Discloser Contributor role

The Discloser Contributor role is assigned this role either by a Requester adding a contact to their list, by being added directly by another user within the Portal or by via the completion of the Register to disclose form.
As the Discloser Contributor, you can complete general admin tasks for your organization and contribute to your organization's questionnaire response. This role will allow you to access the organization's details, view and edit the organization's website, logo, and address, view all users of an organization, and edit other user’s roles and details. 
Additionally, you can confirm the organization's intention to submit, configure the questionnaire and respond to the questionnaire. You can also take on the role of Submission Lead or remove the leader, add a new user, remove access for yourself or another. Please note, only the Submission Lead can submit the questionnaire, and there can only be one Submission Lead role at a time.
Finally, you can also access a number of resources and webinars, edit promoter roles, and pay the administrative fee. Please note, to update certain organization's details such as name, address and unique identifiers, you will need to contact CDP.

Submission Lead role

As the Submission Lead, you have the highest level of responsibility over your organization's disclosure. You can carry out the same tasks as a Discloser Contributor and you also have the ability to accept the terms and conditions for website use, edit the organization's HQ address, confirm the questionnaire setup, accept or decline requests and agree to submitting your organization’s response.

This role allows a user who is part of a disclosing organization to respond to new requests and opt in to projects (for Cities, States and Regions only).


How to become a Submission Lead

From June 4th, when you sign in to your account you will be presented with the option to continue either as the Submission Lead or a Contributor for your organization. This step will assign your user permissions for the current disclosure cycle.
Submission Lead permissions cannot be assigned; you have to choose to become the Submission Lead and accept the Terms of disclosure at the same time. Please note that this feature will not be available until June.

Once you have decided to either continue as a Contributor or to become the Submission Lead, you can begin disclosing for your organization.

Note: There can only be one Submission Lead for each organization.

Requester user types

Requester Contributor role
Requester Contributor roles are assigned to Requester contacts who are then able to view and edit the Requester request lists, track organizations and view read only information.

The Requester Admin can add additional users to the account from the Teams page in the Portal and assign them this role.

Alternatively, the user will have been migrated from an existing Requester role. This role allows users to edit their Request list, track organizations and view read-only information.

Requester Admin role
The Requester Admin role is assigned to by Requester Account Managers and gives Requester contacts this role. The first contact Requester contact added is usually assigned the Requester Admin role. This can be changed in the Teams page of the Portal.

Requester Admins have the additional ability to create, submit, and amend a Request list after its submission.

There can only be one Requester Admin for each organization.

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If you have not found an answer you were looking for, please contact our support team through My Support. You will need to be signed in to access this.  

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