This article is for Requesters and covers the first steps in accessing and navigating the Requester homepage on the CDP Portal. You can also watch this instructional video that provides an overview of the Requester homepage.
First, sign in to your CDP account. If you are a new contact, you can ask your colleague to invite you as a Team member for your organization. Alternatively, you can ask your Account Manager to set you up as a Requester user.
If your organization is solely a requesting organization, you will automatically be in the Requester Portal. If your organization discloses or is requested to do so, the dropdown at the top of Navigation bar on the left will also include ‘Discloser’ as an option. Make sure you are in the Requester Portal by selecting ‘Requester’ in this dropdown.
When you sign in to your Requester account for the first time, you will see a ‘Welcome’ pop-up introducing CDP’s mission and a tutorial of the platform. You can choose to view or skip this tutorial.
Navigate your Requester homepage
The Requester homepage is dynamic, the information will change based on where you are in the disclosure cycle. This page consists of the navigation panel on the left-hand side, the phase bar at the top and the ‘Create a list for active cycle’ button. You can also find and update your organization’s details from the ‘Show organization details’ link at the top, please refer to the last paragraph in this article for more information.
Once you have created a Request list for the current disclosure cycle as a returning Requester or as a first time Requester, the homepage will show a:
- Phase bar
- Summary bar
- Response rates tile
- Suggested activities tile
- Webinars tile
- Guidance tile
- Email templates tile
- CDP scores tile
- Account Manager contact details
- Links to historical data products
In detail, the ‘Phase’ bar at the top of the homepage is a timeline feature that shows you your progress along the disclosure cycle, the upcoming deadlines and the phase of the cycle. The ‘Summary’ bar, under the ‘Phase’ bar, provides information on your Request list status, the number of organizations requested, their combined response rate, the disclosure cycle year and key deadlines. The ‘Response rate’ tile provides a percentage breakdown of your requested organizations’ response statuses, for further insights you can click ‘View breakdown’. The ‘Suggested activities’ tile provides guidance on what you can do next to enhance your engagement efforts.
Your Requester navigation bar
The navigation panel on the left-hand side of your Requester homepage allows you to move through the different pages in the Requester Portal and consists of the following functions:
- Requester and user type dropdown. If your organization discloses or is requested to do so, you can use the dropdown to switch between the user types. If your organization is a member of multiple Requester programs, the second dropdown will allow you to switch between them.
- Invite Team members. This is where you can invite new users, edit their roles, or deactivate existing users on your organization’s Portal
- Home. This is your organization’s homepage.
- Manage organizations. This is where you can add, edit and remove organizations from your Request list.
- Engage organizations. This page displays your 2025 Request list, Sample lists, Projects and Collections.
- Support. This panel allows you to contact CDP if you have any questions or concerns. Training materials and links on the disclosure cycle are also available on this page.
- Give feedback. This is a form to suggest new features, improvements to existing ones, or share your experience.
- Settings. Here is where you can see your account details, your user preferences, and log off after using the Portal.
Update your organization details
To view and update your organization details, click on the ‘Show organization details’ at the top of your Requester homepage. Here, you can edit the following details for your organization: logo, website, name in preferred language, and primary CDP-ACS Industry, Activity Group, and Activity. Please view our full list of CDP-ACS classifications for more information.
Once you have updated your organization’s information, click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom of the screen. Please note, you will not be able to edit the organization name, Unique ID fields or your organization’s headquarter address. If these fields need to be updated, please contact your CDP Account Manager or raise a case on the CDP Help Center.
At the bottom of this page, you will also see a tick box on contact sharing. Tick this box to enable direct provision of Discloser contacts in your Request list. For information on contact sharing, please see our article on editing your Request list.
You may also find the following articles useful:
- Overview of Help Center guidance for Requesters
- Create a Request from a previous list
- Add organizations to your Request list
- Upload your Request list using a CSV file
- Submit a Request list as a Requester
- Track a Request list as a Requester (after list submission)
- Add late Requests as a Requester
If you have not found the answer you were looking for, please contact our support team through My Support. You will need to be signed in to access this.
If you are a new user, you can register here. Once you are signed in, please return to the Help Center via the link at the top of the page.